Monday, June 20, 2011

Portrait Project

Original Photo

Vectorized Illustration

Portrait Project Self-Assessment

This project is a vector image tracing of a photo. The original photo is of me at my grandparent’s house wearing a suit. I used Adobe Illustrator 3 to produce this digital drawing. I chose this photo because it was an excellent photo of me and had simple lines, backgrounds, and colors. This allowed me to create a very good vector duplication of the photo.

The main theme of this illustration centers on me. I am in the most detail and in the center of the illustration. The main reason for creating this illustration is because of a class assignment.

I began the project by outlining my body. I then started outlining various details and created new layers. For example, I outlined my coat and created a new layer. Once all the general outlines were completed I created more detailed layers. For example, once I outlined my face and placed it in a layer I created a new layer for the eyes. All these layers allowed me greater control in creating and modifying the details in the illustration. Once these details were created I started to add in color. Once my body was mostly done I worked on the background. The background was in much less detail then the body, mostly because it was not the focus of the illustration and also because there was not much detail in the background.

I think I did a good job with my work habits. I think I was able to stay on task with only minor distractions. I was able to complete my assignment on time.

I think I did a good job on this project. I like how parts of the body and the background turned out. I like out the shirt and the pants turned out. The paneling on the left side of the background turned out very well. I achieved the paneling by placing black 25% transparent strips in order to create the illusion of separate panels. I also like how the shadows turned out. I achieved the shadow effect by tracing the shadows on the original photo and filling them with black and setting them to be 25% transparent. This allowed them to look dark but still allow the back layers to show through.

A few of the problems I had were on the more unique shapes of the body. I had a lot of difficulty creating realistic fingers as well as realistic parts of the face. I also had a difficulty with the glass of the door. I tried various things in order to create realistic glass. I finally just settled on creating a shaded 25% transparent black layer in order to give the illusion of transparency and reflection. If I had more time I would have attempted to create something interesting behind the transparency layers. I could have also added detail to the transparency layer, possibly something like a stained glass effect.

Since vector images are made up of mostly lines I believe that lines made up a large part of this project. Of course, color was important as well. The choice of color allowed for good perspective, such as on the coat and the door, and attempted to give the illusion of more than 2 dimensions.

I think that I did a good job on this project. I believe that while there are some minor things that could be fixed, that I did pretty well. I believe that a good grade would be a B+ or an A-.

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